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How do I setup/activate my Mindbody account?

WaveReview has integrated with Mindbody's Online booking system. WaveReview pulls in your client/patient/guests visits as they occur and automatically syncs them into our system. 

What does this mean? It means you don't need to do anything to start sending your clients emails and surveys in order to get them to post reviews.  Here are the steps to configure your account: 

1. Login to WaveReview URL - Username - (what you used to login, and it is CaSe senSitive) and Password - (the password you used to create your account)

2. Go to Account Info > Account Settings

3. Check the box "Activate Mindbody Integration"

4. Enter your MindBody Site ID (If you don’t know it, log into your MB account and see it displayed in your browser URL - also known as your Studio ID)

5. Click “After setting your Site ID, get your activation key by clicking here”

6. Click the link that reads - "Click here to (re)activate the Mindbody Integration"

7. You will see a Mindbody screen that shows WaveReview as having access to your API (bottom right)

8. Go back to your WaveReview page and click “After activating your integration, click here to check if the sync was done properly.

9. “Add Mindbody clients to this group” is displayed, which is the social review site you selected in the wizard. (If desired, this can be changed to another social reviews site at a later date.) Regardless, isn’t recommended to change the default group to your MindBody group location, unless you are creating an special setup with a multi location emails sequences.

10. Check the box "Only Add Customers with Visits"

11. Under Mindbody Locations your business is listed.  IF you have multiple locations associated with your Site ID, they will all be listed here.  (Each location will be its own group within the “Email/SMS > Groups” section, which means you can either standardize your message to all customers regardless of location, or you can customize your templates by specific location.)

12. Select the location (if you have multiple locations you may select which location you wish to connect and send emails).

13. Click "Save Changes"

**To view on online demonstration of how to configure your account please click on this link – 

After setting up your account you may also find it helpful to click on the “Take A Tour” button for a quick review of the application. 

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